How are frozen fruits and vegetables different to fresh fruits and vegetables?

How are frozen fruits and vegetables different to fresh fruits and vegetables?

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are goods that are collected when ripe and sold at farm or nearby, including fruits and vegetables collected and later ripe during transportation. Very often, we believe that their nutritions would be best when they are being ripe because they have absorbed nutrients and minerals from soil for a long time. In fact, it is the sprout that absorbs nutrients the most for growth. Even after ripeness, some types of plants still can absorb nutrients. In many case studies, it was found that pre-ripe fruits had as much nutrients as ripe fruits or sometimes even more. There are also other factors supporting the nutrients in fruits and vegetables, such as soil types, seasons, weather, planting processes, and preservation.


Frozen fruits and vegetables

Frozen fruits and vegetables are maturely ripe fruits and vegetable that undergo a small preservation process. The preservation process, often used, is dipping in hot water for 2-3 minutes before freezing. It is to cease development of the enzyme to preserve colours, odor, and nutritions, however, taste can be altered. Although dipping in hot water may remove some of vitamins and minerals, the overall nutritions are still there as nearly as fresh fruits and vegetables. In reverse, some frozen fruits are vitamin-added during the packaging process to prevent their colours turning brown which makes them enriched in vitamin C, compared to fresh fruits.


How are frozen fruits and vegetables different to fresh fruits and vegetables?

•   Frozen fruits and vegetables can remain as same nutrients of carbohydrates, proteins, fibre, and minerals as fresh ones

•   When fresh fruits and vegetables have been cooked or stored, the vitamins are lost nearly a half

•   For frozen fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin A and E which can dissolve in fat will be lost less than vitamin C which can dissolve in water

•   Fresh fruits and vegetables that have been stored for several days, may have the same reduced nutritions closed to frozen fruits and vegetables that have been de-frozen and cooked or stored


Which fruits and vegetables we should choose then

Reasons for us to choose are fairly complex. Sometimes, tastes, prices, or conveniences are the key contributions to the decision more than the nutrition itself. However, if tastes and nutritions are the keys, we should choose fresh fruits and vegetables available locally. If not available, out of conveniences, out of seasons, or too pricy, frozen fruits and vegetables would give the same nutritions also.

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